- Analysis of large quantities of data provided by clients using SQL.
- Undertaking technical reviews of technologies deployed in the gas chain.
- Gathering and analysing commercial contractual data for clients.
Since late 2014 MJMEnergy has been providing Cedigaz with a daily news bulletin service for its members on its website.
Brief overview of the project
The report consists of picking up to 6 of the most popular Gas, Unconventional Gas, LNG, Hydrogen or Bio-Gas stories, ranging for exploration, production to supply.
Project implementation
These stories then get compiled into a monthly CNR report by Cedgiaz which is made available to members for them to read. The most interesting stories from the month are highlighted and are put on to the Cedigaz website on the front page as a scrolling news service.
Following the introduction of gas to gas competition in Singapore and the associated Network Code, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) was concerned that one or more gas shippers were attempting to game the network. Therefore EMA asked MJMEnergy to undertake a huge data gathering, monitoring and analysis exercise reporting the results to an independent panel made up of economists, lawyers and academics. The purpose of this analytical process was to identify inappropriate commercial and operational behaviour on the gas network otherwise known as ‘gaming’.
Brief overview of the project
As highlighted above from July 2010 to October 2013 MJMEnergy were appointed by the EMA to provide a data management and analysis service to the Gas Market Surveillance Panel (GMSP). This work entailed the analysis and manipulation of large amounts of gas shipper data in relation to Singapore’s gas networks as shown below.

- Manipulation and analysis of the data using a combination SQL code and Excel macros.
- The identification of key gas shipper behavioural issues based on the analysis of the data.
- The production of quarterly market monitoring reports.
- The presentation of the quarterly reports to the GMSP in Singapore.
- The presentation of the quarterly reports to the shipper community in Singapore.
This project involved the manipulation and analysis of 1TB of gas system network data every quarter for three years. During this time the MJMEnergy Project Team which consisted of database experts, analysts and network code experts identified a number of issues which were brought to the attention of the GMSP and ENA.
Cedigaz provides an extensive gas market data gathering and analysis service for a number of clients throughout the world, which includes the provision of gas supply, demand, storage, LNG and shipping data. MJMEnergy has a long-term framework agreement with Cedigaz to gather much of this data. One of these data services is the monitoring of LNG cargo movements from around the world.
Brief overview of the project
- Gathering data from customs databases.
- Gathering data directly from LNG terminals.
- A more recent endeavour, since May 2020, MJMEnergy have collated monthly import data for Cedigaz.
Having gathered data from a variety of sources the MJMEnergy Project Team then use a series of macros to manipulate and store the data in a format that allows its transmission to Cedigaz’s online database without futher manhours.
This is an on-going project with the MJMEnergy Project Team gathering and analysing LNG shipping data for roughly one week each month. The process itself requires the analysts to be flexible and adaptable since data sources can change from month to month and new sources of LNG can come on stream with little notice.